
Conserved currents, superpotentials and charges for the Schwarzschild black hole in the Teleparallel Equivalent of General Relativity (TEGR) are constructed. We work in the covariant formalism and use the Noether machinery to construct conserved quantities that are covariant/invariant with respect to both coordinate and local Lorentz transformations. The constructed quantities depend on the vector field ξ and we consider two different possibilities, when ξ is chosen as either a timelike Killing vector or a four-velocity of an observer. We analyze and discuss the physical meaning of each choice in different frames: static and freely falling Lemaitre frame. Moreover, a new generalized free-falling frame with an arbitrary initial velocity at infinity is introduced. We derive the inertial spin connection for various tetrads in different frames and find that the “switching-off” gravity method leads to ambiguities.

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