
The ability of a parallel algorithm to make efficient use of increasing computational resources is known as its scalability. In this paper, we develop four parallel algorithms for the 2-dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform algorithm (2-D DWT), and derive their scalability properties on Mesh and Hypercube interconnection networks. We consider two versions of the 2-D DWT algorithm, known as the Standard (S) and Non-standard (NS) forms, mapped onto P processors under two data partitioning schemes, namely checkerboard (CP) and stripped (SP) partitioning. The two checkerboard partitioned algorithms on the cut-through-routed (CT-routed) Mesh are scalable as M^{2}=\Omega(P\log P) (Non-standard form, NS-CP), and as M^{2}=\Omega(P\log^{2}P) (Standard form, S-CP); while on the store-and-forward-routed (SF-routed) Mesh and Hypercube they are scalable as M^2=\Omega(P^{\frac{3}{3-\gamma}}) (NS-CP), and as M^2=\Omega(P^{\frac{2}{2-\gamma}}) (S-CP), respectively, where M^{2} is the number of elements in the input matrix, and \gamma\in (0,1) is a parameter relating M to the number of desired octaves J as J=\lceil \gamma \log M \rceil. On the CT-routed Hypercube, scalability of the NS-form algorithms shows similar behavior as on the CT-routed Mesh. The Standard form algorithm with stripped partitioning (S-SP) is scalable on the CT-routed Hypercube as M^{2}=\Omega(P^{2}), and it is unscalable on the CT-routed Mesh. Although asymptotically the stripped partitioned algorithm S-SP on the CT-routed Hypercube would appear to be inferior to its checkerboard counterpart S-CP, detailed analysis based on the proportionality constants of the isoefficiency function shows that S-SP is actually more efficient than S-CP over a realistic range of machine and problem sizes. A milder form of this result holds on the CT- and SF-routed Mesh, where S-SP would, asymptotically, appear to be altogether unscalable.

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