
The concept of purification of mixed states of quantum systems leads naturally to an interesting Riemannian metric on the space of normalized density matrices D n . More precisely, this Riemannian metric introduced by Uhlmann is defined on submanifolds (of all hermitean matrices) D nk of density matrices of fixed rank k, but not for vectors transversal to this submanifolds (at least using definitions known in the literature). A natural question is, whether there exists a manifold M of dimension dim D nn = n 2 − 1, which contains ∪ k = 1 n D nk as a topological subspace such that D nk , k = 1,…, n, is isometrically embedded. For n = 2 this is true, as Uhlmann observed. We show that for higher n such a manifold does not exist, because the sectional curvature at ρ ϵ D nn diverges if ρ tends to a state of rank less than n − 1. Roughly speaking, the metrics on the manifolds D nk cannot be glued together, because D nn contains geodesically complete submanifolds which look like conical singularities in the neighbourhood of ∂D nn .

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