
<abstract> A labeling of a graph is an assignment that carries some sets of graph elements into numbers (usually the non negative integers). The total $ k $-labeling is an assignment $ f_{e} $ from the edge set to the set $ \{1, 2, ..., k_{e} \} $ and assignment $ f_{v} $ from the vertex set to the set $ \{0, 2, 4, ..., 2k_{v} \} $, where $ k = max\{k_{e}, 2k_{v} \} $. An edge irregular reflexive $ k $-labeling of the graph $ G $ is the total $ k $-labeling, if distinct edges have distinct weights, where the edge weight is defined as the sum of label of that edge and the labels of the end vertices. The minimum $ k $ for which the graph $ G $ has an edge irregular reflexive $ k $-labeling is called the reflexive edge strength of the graph $ G $, denoted by $ res(G) $. In this paper we study the edge reflexive irregular $ k $-labeling for some cases of circulant graphs and determine the exact value of the reflexive edge strength for several classes of circulant graphs. </abstract>

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