
We study the ratio ergodic theorem (RET) of Hopf for group actions. Under a certain technical condition, if a sequence of sets {F_n} in a group satisfy the RET, then there is a finite set E such that {EF_n} satisfies the Besicovitch covering property. Consequently for free abelian groups of infinite rank there is no sequence F_n along which the RET holds, and in many finitely generated groups, including the discrete Heisenberg group and the free group on d>1 generators, there is no (sub)sequence of balls, in the standard generators, along which the RET holds. On the other hand, in groups with polynomial growth (including the Heisenberg group, to which our negative results apply) there always exists a sequence of balls along which the RET holds if convergence is understood as a.e. convergence in density (i.e. omitting a sequence of density zero).

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