
Introduction. The preclinical study of the effect of chemical intoxication on the blood system's states is especially relevant for preventing and treating workers producing bromo-aromatic compounds with polytropic toxic effects m-bromaniline sulfate, in case of possible contact at the stages of its synthesis. The aim of the study to research in an experiment the toxic effect of m-bromaniline sulfate on the state of the blood system. Materials and methods. Sulfate m-bromaniline is an intermediate of the synthesis of the drug tramadol. Scientists study the toxic effect of sulfate m-bromaniline in experiments on rats. We reproduce single inhalation and subacute intragastric modes and methods of exposure. The researchers evaluated the impact of the substance on animals based on the results of peripheral blood tests. Namely: by the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin, white blood cells, analysis of the white blood cell formula. According to the indicators of biochemical tests of blood serum, morphological data of the study of the liver, kidneys, heart, stomach. We took into account the readings of the critical parameters of the pancreas and thyroid glands. Results. The results of examining animals subjected to acute inhalation intoxication and sub-acute intragastric exposure showed the same type of changes in the peripheral blood and experimental group's biochemical profile. The intake of m-bromaniline sulfate leads to a decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin against the background of increased reticulocytosis, leukocytosis. The number of eosinophils in the blood of animals exposed to poisoning decreased by almost one and a half times. We found a violation of the balance of hemoglobin fraction's content. Also reduced oxyhemoglobin, an increase in methemoglobin. Researchers discovered in the blood sulfohemoglobin in the absence of it in the control group's animals. The animals' biochemical profile revealed increased blood catalase activity against the background of its decrease in red blood cells. In the blood serum of rats primed with sulfate m-bromaniline we found an increase in bilirubin concentration. We noted an increase in the activity of aspartate aminotransferase while maintaining the same action of alanine aminotransferase. The effect of sulfate m-bromaniline at the morphological level revealed vascular disorders in all internal organs and moderately pronounced fatty degeneration of the liver and kidneys. The spleen was hyperplastic; a large amount of brown iron-containing pigment was noted intra- and extracellularly in the red pulp. Conclusions. Different receipt methods of sulfate m-bromaniline in the conditions of acute inhalation sub-acute intragastric experiments lead to some disorders. Violations have a hemotoxic character with a predominant effect on the state of the blood system. An essential element of intoxication prevention can be the correct selection of the persons entering the work contact with toxicants. Individuals with manifesting or latent iron deficiency, various hemorrhagic syndrome types, and severe forms of autonomic dysfunction represent a health risk group if possible contact with sulfate m-bromaniline.

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