
The paper discusses the features and conditions for the emergence of the right to inherit by law, by will and inheritance contract, taking into account the history of the formation and development of the institution of inheritance. The purpose of the study is to identify the main distinguishing features of inheritance by will, inheritance contract and by law. The objectives of the study are to analyze the features of the formation and development of inheritance by law, inheritance contract and testament based on the study of historical trends in the development of the institution of inheritance and the norms of the current legislation. The following methods were used in the course of the study: the general scientific dialectical method, which implies objectivity and comprehensiveness of the knowledge of the phenomena under study; systemic; normative; logical; comparative legal; historical and legal methods. The significance of the advantage of inheritance by will over inheritance by law, established by the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is revealed, taking into account existing points of view regarding the validity of the grounds for inheritance fixed today by the legislation. Particular attention is paid to the importance of the formation of the will in the process of its expression through the making of a will. The author comes to the conclusion that the division of inheritance into legal and testamentary is conditional due to the fact that inheritance by will itself is legal, the validity of establishing the priority of inheritance by will. Given this, the author draws attention to the importance of the conditions for the formation of the will of the testator, the possibilities and consequences of distorting the will in the process of its formation.

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