
Introduction. The transformation of property as a system of complex continuous relations regarding a change in type, form, characteristics and any properties of the property itself is a discussed scientific problem. The purpose of the study is to analyze the property transformation and develop a classification of types of property transformation in modern economic theory and government practice. Theoretical analysis. This paper examines the processes of changing the economic essence of the concept of “property” and transformation of property, distinguishing two types of transformations: macrotransformation and microtransformation of property. Possession, use, disposal should be considered signs of ownership and peculiar conditions. A change in any of these signs – a decrease or increase in relation to a specific property indicates a transformation of the property itself. In cases where the owner receives the right only to dispose of property, transformation of property also occurs under the influence of processes such as easement, emphyteusis, and superficies. Results. Based on the analysis of property transformation processes in retrospect, a conclusion was made about their cyclical nature. Fundamentally new changes in property relations are observed in connection with the formation of post-industrial society. The dominant object of property is information and knowledge, which gradually adopted the characteristics of individual property.

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