
The subject of the study is the system of natural duties among the Kazakh population of the Inner (Bukeevskaya) Horde as part of the Astrakhan province in the period from 1893 to 1909. The object of this study is to analyze the issue of replacing the existing natural duties of the Kazakhs of the Horde with monetary service.The purpose of the study is to reveal the main provisions of the issue of replacing natural duties and designing a system of paths on the territory of the Inner Horde, based on previously unused archival materials. When writing the work, the problem-chronological method and the system analysis of available archival sources were used. Of particular value is the archival material from the fund of the Office of the Astrakhan Civil Governor, which is the only source of data revealing the problems of replacing natural duties among the Kazakhs of the Inner Horde. An important research material was the revision note of State Councilor Kraft, a former official of special assignments at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Earlier in the scientific circles studying regional history, the issues of the replacement of duties among the Kazakhs did not receive sufficient coverage, since in historical science the issues of the general state of the Internal Horde, statistical information, the state of the economy, social life were touched upon. This study is the first comprehensive study of the problems of replacing natural duties and designing a system of paths among the Kazakhs of the Inner Horde in the post-reform period. It introduces scientific novelty based on the analysis of new archival materials, and also allows us to identify the need to revise and change the existing natural duties, taking into account the principles of justice, the real needs and capabilities of the population of the Inner Horde.

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