
A hypothesis on the quaternary intermediate boson in the weak interaction is formulated along a device of localization of transformations. Two transformations which belong to the generalized full symmetric group between proton, neutron and Λ-particle are utilized: The fitst causes changes between left-handed proton and neutron, while the second does between left-handed neutron and Λ-particle. Three constituents of the quaternary boson are introdued so as to harmonize with the localization of the first transformation, and the remaining one is deduced from the localization of the second transformation. The strongly interacting system is arranged to be invariant under the generalized full symmetric transformation so as to be unaffected by both transformations, while the weakly interacting system which is charge independent under the covariance of the first transformation becomes charge dependent after the second transformation. The first approximation of the resultant weak interaction is in harmony with |ΔI|=1/2 law, i.e. just agrees with Lee-Yang's theory. The bare mass of the quarternary boson is small but finite in virtue of the coexistence of eleven mesons besides pions and kaons. The quaternary boson uniquely determines the conserved vector and axial-vector currents of the strongly interacting system, the violations of which are discussed by changing meson masses.

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