
Based on the analysis of official documents, materials of analytical centers, scientific publications, the authors conclude that in the medium term Russia and the Nordic countries will remain the priority partners of China in the Arctic. The development of China-U.S. cooperation in the Arctic is unlikely. Washington deliberately limits its partnership with Beijing. Canada is interested in Chinese investment in its polar regions, so economic cooperation in energy and mining sectors has a chance of development. Closer cooperation between China and Canada will be hindered by close allied relations between Canada and the United States. In order to develop Russian-Chinese cooperation in the Arctic, it seems important to pay attention to improving the competitiveness of Russian projects. China is considering various options for realizing its interests and choosing the optimal ones. The increase in activity of Chinese companies in the Arctic is accompanied by growing mistrust among the political circles of Arctic states regarding the motives for their operations in the region. The creation of an Arctic Infrastructure Investment Bank under the auspices of the Arctic Council would reduce political risks for both the Arctic states and China, and promote economic cooperation in the region.

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