
Abstract For a group 𝐺, the enhanced power graph of 𝐺 is a graph with vertex set 𝐺 in which two distinct vertices x , y x,y are adjacent if and only if there exists an element 𝑤 in 𝐺 such that both 𝑥 and 𝑦 are powers of 𝑤. The proper enhanced power graph is the induced subgraph of the enhanced power graph on the set G ∖ S G\setminus S , where 𝑆 is the set of dominating vertices of the enhanced power graph. In this paper, we at first classify all nilpotent groups 𝐺 such that the proper enhanced power graphs are connected and calculate their diameter. We also explicitly calculate the domination number of the proper enhanced power graphs of finite nilpotent groups. Finally, we determine the multiplicity of the Laplacian spectral radius of the enhanced power graphs of nilpotent groups.

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