
The article examines the legal status of suspects in criminal proceedings in the context of the standards laid down in the rules of international legal acts recognized by Ukraine. Since the current Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine establishes the suspect as the sole subject of criminal proceedings in respect of which the prosecution is made under preliminary investigation, given the priority provisions of international instruments ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on criminal procedural rules of national law, subject thorough scientific analysis raises the problem of the rights of the suspect based on international standards. Required minimum rights of suspects in criminal proceedings in the pre-trial investigation of the relevant fixed regulated in international instruments procedural safeguards that apply to all stages of criminal proceedings against a suspect. The author shares the assertion that the number of procedural guarantees include, in particular: equal distribution rights for all detained citizens; defined rules arrest or detention (legitimacy, the regime documentary fixation, the message of family members); adequate conditions of detention; humane treatment of detainees; ensuring the legal status of the detainee; legal (or other) monitoring of detention and conditions of detention. One of the most important safeguards in the criminal proceedings is the legality of the detention of the suspect. In accordance with the Code of Principles for the Protection of all persons subjected to detention or imprisonment in any form approved by resolution №43 / 173 UN General Assembly on 9 December 1988. (In particular, the principles of 2,4,11,12) detention is considered legitimate if it is carried out, in strict accordance with the law and authorized by law officers; based on the decision of the authorized body; the detainee and his lawyer brought a content of the decision and the reasons for detention; reflected in the minutes of detention time of actual detention and the delivery of the detainee to a place of detention; A copy of the detention of the detainee handed (the suspect). However, the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950). In paragraph «C» Part 1, Article 5 governs the legality of detention (detention) only in case if such is conducted with the aim of bringing the next person to the competent authority on reasonable suspicion of having committed an criminal offense; if there are reasonable grounds to believe that the arrest may be the only condition to prevent the offense or to eliminate the possibility of a suspect to evade the authorities involved in criminal proceedings. Part 3 of the Convention requires the same standards dopravyty immediately detained (suspect) to judge (or other authorized person) and hold a hearing within a reasonable time. It is recalled that in accordance with Art. 211 Code of Ukraine detained person shall be delivered to the investigating judge within 60 hours of his detention or (during the same period) shall be released. We believe that such provisions of the CCP does not fully meet Part 3 of Art. 5 of the said Convention. The analysis above rules of international instruments allows the author to support the allegations of the existence of mainly two groups of standards that would regulate the status of a suspect in criminal proceedings. The first group include the so-called definitive rules, which contain the essential features suspicion and formulated the concept of the suspect as an independent subject of criminal procedure relations. The second group consists of rules that establish and contain guarantees the existence of the required minimum amount of procedural rights of suspects who are its procedural status. It should be noted that many international legal instruments that reinforce the rights of persons to which the prosecution of certain rules directly or indirectly regulate the possibility of human suspected of having committed a criminal offense, and fix certain guarantees of their procedural rights of suspects. Determined that the rights of the suspect in the context of international standards regulated by norms of international instruments that contain suspected basic features and safeguards the existence of the required minimum amount of procedural rights of suspected constituting its procedural status.

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