
The development of modern rail and road vehicles has been accompanied by greater attention to acoustical considerations, particularly as they contribute to travel comfort as well as safety. In general, there is strict separation of the four applications: (a) airborne sound absorption; (b) structure-borne sound absorption; (c) structural sound isolation; and (d) airborne sound isolation. It is recommendable that greater use be made of the combination of these techniques in order to attain worthwhile reduction of the sound levels in vehicles. Synthetic materials suitable for airborne isolation and structure-borne absorption have been on the market for several years. In addition to the mentioned acoustical-physical requirements, there are also special technical requirements related to vehicle designing. Such may be light weight, resistance to gasoline, diesel oil, and weather; durability, mechanical strength, etc. Within the range of problems of vehicular acoustics, the special problems of airborne noise isolation by means of special synthetic materials will be treated.

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