
In this paper, some aspects of external interphase cracks deformation in piezomagnetic materials are investigated. Nowadays functional elements based on the use of piezomagnets have important practical applications in various fields of engineering, automation and computer technology. Under deformation, these materials produce a magnetic field that is proportional to the deformation. Moreover, when such materials are placed under a magnetic field, they start to show deformation. In other words, piezoelectric and piezomagnetic materials are widely used. The latter have many similar properties with piezoelectric materials. During manufacturing and operation, cracks occur at the interface between different composnents. Hence, external interfacial cracks are particularly dangerous. Currently, there has been very little research done for the interface cracks between heterogeneous components in piezomagnetic materials. In this paper, we investigate how a mechanical load applied to the external intefcace crack affects a piezomagnetic bimaterial. Expressions for stress-strain states are obtained by means of piecewise holomorphic vector functions which are convenient for formulating linear conjugation problems for external interfase cracks in such piezomagnetic materials. In this paper, we consider the case of the oscillation model, which leads to a physically impossible interpenetration of the crack edges in the vicinity of its tips. Effects of mechanical loading on the main magneto-mechanical characteristics in the vicinity of the outer interfacial crack tip are also demonstrated. In particular, the obtained results clearly demonstrate that mechanical stress causes a sufficiently significant magnetic induction. Furthermore, both stress and magnetic induction have an oscillating behavior in the vicinity of the crack tip.


  • Nowadays functional elements based on the use of piezomagnets have important practical applications in various fields of engineering, automation and computer technology

  • These materials produce a magnetic field that is proportional to the deformation

  • Functional elements based on the use of piezomagnetic materials have important applications in various fields of machine building, automation, and computing

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Experimental data base for computer program assessment

Report of the Fluid Dynamics Panel Working Group 04 [Text] / AGARD-AR-138, Technical Report. – May ,1979. – 624 p. Some aspects of external interphase cracks deformation in piezomagnetic materials are investigated. Nowadays functional elements based on the use of piezomagnets have important practical applications in various fields of engineering, automation and computer technology Under deformation, these materials produce a magnetic field that is proportional to the deformation. The obtained results clearly demonstrate that mechanical stress causes a sufficiently significant magnetic induction Both stress and magnetic induction have an oscillating behavior in the vicinity of the crack tip. Знайдено вирази для компонент напруженодеформованого стану через кусково-голоморфні вектор-функції, які є зручними для формулювання задач лінійного спряження для зовнішніх міжфазних тріщин в таких п’єзомагнітних матеріалах. Найдены выражения для компонент напряжено-деформированного состояния через кусочно-голоморфные вектор-функции, которые удобны для формулирования задач линейного сопряжения для внешних межфазных трещин в таких пьезомагнитных материалах.

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