
In [1] express ions are presented in the form of se r i e s consisting of Bessel functions of different o rders* for the e lectromagnet ic field inside an infinite cylindrical conducting shield situated in the field of a monochromat ic plane wave having an electr ical vector paral le l or perpendicular to the axis of the cyl inder. In finding the pulse function of the shield for pulses of the class isolated in [1] only t e r m s having n = 0 were taken into account in the corresponding ser ies (the notation is the same as in [1]). If t e rms with a = • and n = *2 are likewise taken into account, analysis is l imited to the f i r s t t e r m s of the expansions of the Bessel functions in powers of ~ = kr > 1 and ]a21/a2ol = X 2 << 1. Therefore in [1] the components Hz, E~, and E z were est imated cor rec t ly , whereas in est imating the component H~v it is necessa ry to retain t e rms having n = • T e r m s having n = • may be neglected in est imating all components.

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