
It is proposed to identify the recently introduced preonic charge as the source of the binding force with the magnetic charge. This identification leads to the necessary relation of composite quarks and leptons among preonic charges. The reason why the charge of quark is a third of e is under· stood. The color number 3 and the preon number 3 in lepton and quark are correlated. The original idea leading to a composite model of leptons and quarks (we call a preon model hereafter) was proposed in 1960 as the Nagoya model,l) which has a feature different from the viewpoint widely accepted at present. Namely, quarks and leptons do not stand in the same level but the latter are the constituents of the former. Nevertheless, the key point leading to a preon idea was to understand the similarity and disparity between leptons and quarks from the "logic of matter". This point is still a key reason to take a preon' model, although the necessity of preon model becomes stronger due to the discovery of many leptons and quarks. In 1971, a model was proposed which has features that quarks and leptons stand in the same level and that they are constructed from common constituents with spin 1/2 and charge ±e/2. 2 ) In 1974, this model has been developed by introducing the spin-l/2 preons e/, el- and eb i (i=l, 2, 3) with charge ± e/2.3) In the model, weak besons are constructed'as elel and quarks are distinguished from leptons by eb i . We suggested that W-boson exchanges are not the most fundamental in weak interactions but preon exchanges exist behind them. 3 ) In the same year, Pati and Salam have

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