
The subject of this paper is generalized linear growth curve models. In the past, these types of growth curves have been studied by authors including J. Wishart, G.E.P. Box and C.R. Rao. Further attention was directed towards this subject ever since the publication of the seminal paper on the subject by R.F. Potthoff and S.N. Roy in 1964 which modeled the growth curve as a generalized multivariate linear model. However, the emphasis up until 1970 was on the estimation and testing hypothesis about parameters. In this paper we mainly review work on prediction within the context of these growth models over the last 25 years.KeywordsGrowth CurveCovariance StructureAmerican Statistical AssociationPredictive DistributionGrowth Curve ModelThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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