
IN his great work, which appears to be but little known in England, “Ueber die stille Bewegung hypotetischer Körper,” Prof Hans points out that the dimensions of “ideal” matter ma not only differ in degree but also in kind. He deduces, by means of implicit reasoning from his three primitive “stations,” that not only must there be space of 4, 5, 6, &c, dimensions, but also that there must be space of - 1, - 3, - 5, &c, dimensions, and that there may be space of - 2, - 4, - 6, &c., dimensions. Pursuing Hans's train of thought further, Lobwirmski has quite recently interpreted space of 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, &c. dimensions. Not only has fractional space been thus proved to exist, but the same philosopher has also conclusively shown that if space of n.√-1 exists, it has all the properties of angular magnitude; e.g. like all partly bounded infinities (theilweise begränzte Unendlichkeiten), it is unmagnifiable.

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