
The integrated use of aspen biomass can ensure the effective development of forestry and timber processing industries, reduce the share of waste. From the bark of aspen we obtained aqueous and water-alcohol extracts containing a complex of extractive substances possessing biological activity and representing practically all classes of organic compounds found in plants (vitamins, enzymes, proteins, fats, essential oils, etc.). As a raw material, a crushed aspen bark with a moisture content of 5% and an equivalent particle diameter of 2 mm was used. Extractants – water distilled and water-alcoholic solution 1:1. Extraction conditions: hydromodule– 10 g/g, temperature – 40°C, ultrasound frequency – 44 kHz. The effect of water-alcohol extracts on the fermentation of sucrose by beer yeast S-33 was studied. The expediency of using water-alcohol extract of aspen cortex at a dosage of 1% of the nutrient medium is shown. At the same time ferment activity of yeast increases, sugar consumption decreases by the side processes of fermentation, the economic coefficient showing the yield of ethanol from a unit of substrate is increased by 5,5% in comparison with the control. The kinetic characteristics of the fermentation process are calculated. The maximum specific growth rates of yeast and sugar consumption are observed when using water-alcohol extract of bark of aspen at a dosage of 1% and are 0,0052 h-1 and 0,049 g/(g-h), respectively. On the basis of the conducted studies, it can be concluded that the water-alcohol extract of the aspen bark should be used at a dosage of 1% of the nutrient medium. At the same time ferment activity of yeast increases, sugar consumption decreases by the side processes of fermentation, the economic coefficient showing the yield of ethanol from a unit of substrate is increased by 5,5% in comparison with the control. Industrial use of this extract in the production of beer will shorten the duration of the main fermentation for 1 day, increase the capacity of the fermentation unit and reduce the specific rates of energy consumption.


  • The expediency of using water-alcohol extract of aspen cortex at a dosage of 1% of the nutrient medium is shown

  • On the basis of the conducted studies, it can be concluded that the water-alcohol extract of the aspen bark should be used at a dosage of 1% of the nutrient medium

  • Panova correct article before filing in editing and is responsible for plagiarism Yurii L

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Контроль Control

Проба 1 (0,1%) Sample (0.1%) Проба 2 (0,5%) Sample 2 (0.5%) Проба 3 (1%) Sample 3 (1%). Максимальная удельная скорость биосинтеза этанола, г/(г×ч)* The maximum specific rate of ethanol biosynthesis, g/(g×h)*. Максимальная удельная скорость потребления сахара, г/(г×ч)* The maximum specific consumption rate of sugar, g/(g×h)*. Примечание: Удельные скорости потребления субстрата и биосинтеза этанола отнесены на 1 г а.с. Максимальные удельные скорости роста дрожжей и потребления сахара наблюдаются в случае использования водно-спиртового экстракта коры осины в дозировке 1% и составляют 0,0052 ч-1 и 0,049 г./(г×ч), соответственно. Наилучшие результаты биосинтеза этанола наблюдаются при использовании водно-спиртового экстракта коры осины в той же дозировке. Выявлена эффективность использования водно-спиртового экстракта коры осины в дозировке1% от питательной среды. При этом возрастает бродильная активность дрожжей, снижается расход сахара на побочные процессы ферментации, экономический коэффициент, показывающий выход этанола из единицы субстрата, увеличивается на 5,5% в сравнении с контролем. Исследование влияния водного экстракта коры осины на активность ферментов // Высокие технологии в современной науке и технике: сборник научных трудов в 2-х томах

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