
The familiar classical result that a continuous map from a space $X$ to a space $Y$ can be defined by giving continuous maps $varphi_U: U to Y$ on each member $U$ of an open cover ${mathfrak C}$ of $X$ such that $varphi_Umid U cap V = varphi_V mid U cap V$ for all $U,V in {mathfrak C}$ was recently shown to have an exact analogue in pointfree topology, and the same was done for the familiar classical counterpart concerning finite closed covers of a space $X$ (Picado and Pultr [4]). This note presents alternative proofs of these pointfree results which differ from those of [4] by treating the issue in terms of frame homomorphisms while the latter deals with the dual situation concerning localic maps. A notable advantage of the present approach is that it also provides proofs of the analogous results for some significant variants of frames which are not covered by the localic arguments.


  • X to a space Y can be defined by giving continuous maps φU : U → Y on each member U of an open cover C of X such that φU | U ∩ V = φV | U ∩ V for all U, V ∈ C was recently shown to have an exact analogue in pointfree topology, and the same was done for the familiar classical counterpart concerning finite closed covers of a space X (Picado and Pultr [4])

  • The purpose of this note is to present an alternative to the proof given loc. cit.; while the latter uses arguments about sublocales, it will be shown here that surprisingly simple considerations involving only frame homomorphisms prove the result in question

  • A cover of a frame L is a subset C of L whose joint C equals e, the top of L; stands for the usual product of frames; for any element a of a frame L, ↓a = {s ∈ L | s ≤ a} which is the image of L by the frame homomorphism (·) ∧ a : L → ↓ a, s → s ∧ a, and for ↑a = {s ∈ L | s ≥ a} and (·) ∨ a : L → ↑a, s → s ∨ a

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Concerning Proposition 1.2, the desired h : M → L is obviously given by h(s) = {ha(s) | a ∈ C}, and without Lemma 1.1 one could just consider this map M → L and show (i) it is a homomorphism such that (ii) a ∧ h(s) = ha(s) for all a ∈ C and s ∈ M . Regarding the earlier comment that the arguments used here are all applicable to the κ-frames for any regular cardinal κ, it should be pointed out that, in this situation, the covers involved are those provided by the given setting, that is, the κ-small subsets C such that C = e: this trivially implies that all the other joins which enter into the argument exist.

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