
The photodissociation of water vapour in the mesosphere depends on the absorption of solar radiation in the region (175–200 nm) of the O 2 Schumann-Runge band system and also at H-Lyman alpha. The photodissociation products are OH + H, OH★ + H, O + 2H and H 2 + O at Lyman alpha; the percentages for these four channels are 70, 8, 12 and 10%, respectively, but OH + H is the only channel between 175 and 200 nm. Such proportions lead to a production of H atoms corresponding to practically the total photodissociation of H 2O, while the production of H 2 molecules is only 10% of the H 2O photodissociation by Lyman alpha. The photodissociation frequency (s −1) at Lyman alpha can be expressed by a simple formula J Lyα H 2O=4.5 ×10 −6 1+0.2 F 10.7−65 100 exp[−4.4 ×10 −19 N 0.917] where F 10.7 cm is the solar radioflux at 10.7 cm and N the total number of O 2 molecules (cm −2), and when the following conventional value is accepted for the Lyman alpha solar irradiance at the top of the Earth's atmosphere ( Δλ = 3.5 A ̊ ) q Lyα,∞ = 3 × 10 11 photons cm −2 s 1̄. The photodissociation frequency for the Schumann-Runge band region is also given for mesospheric conditions by a simple formula J SRB ( H 2 O) = J SRB,∞ ( H 2 O) exp [−10 −7N 0.35] where J SRB,∞(H 2O) = 1.2 × 10 −6 and 1.4 × 10 −6 s −1 for quiet and active sun conditions, respectively. The precision of both formulae is good, with an uncertainty less than 10%, but their accuracy depends on the accuracy of observational and experimental parameters such as the absolute solar irradiances, the variable transmittance of O 2 and the H 2O effective absorption cross sections. The various uncertainties are discussed. As an example, the absolute values deduced from the above formulae could be decreased by about 25-20% if the possible minimum values of the solar irradiances were used.

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