
We have computed the free energy per unit area (i.e., interfacial tension) between a solid surface and two coexisting polymer solutions, where there is no specific interaction between the particles and either polymer, via self-consistent field calculations. Several different systems have been studied, including those where the two polymers differ in molecular weight (Mw) by a factor of ∼2 or where the polymers have the same Mw, but one set of chains is branched with the other linear. In the absence of any enthalpic contribution resulting from adsorption on the solid particle surface, the differences in the free energy per unit area resulting from the polymer-depleted regions around the particles in the two coexisting phases are found to be ∼1 μN m-1. Although this value may seem rather small, this difference is more than capable of inducing the partitioning of particles of 100 nm in size (or larger) into the phase with the lower interfacial free energy at the solid surface. By examining the density profile variation of the polymers close to the surface, we can also infer information about the wettability and contact angle (θ) of solid particles at the interface between the two coexisting phases. This leads to the conclusion that for all systems of this type, when the incompatibility between the two polymers is sufficiently large, θ will be close to 90°.

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