
The Himalayan orogen, resulting from the Early Cenozoic collision of the Indian and Asian plates, is an ideal vehicle to study active orogenic processes and test geodynamic models of how the crust responds to collisional orogeny. This paper focused on migmatitic high-pressure (HP) mafic granulite and associated leucosome from the Greater Himalayan Crystallines (GHC) in the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis (EHS) in order to understand the conditions and timescales over which high-grade rocks and partial melts were produced during the Himalayan orogeny. Combining with previous study results from the Western and Central Himalayas and Trans-Himalayan magmatic arc, we obtained the following conclusions: (1) The mafic granulites from the EHS underwent HP and high-temperature (HT) granulite facies metamorphism and partial melting, with peak metamorphic conditions of 15–17 kbar and 820–880 °C. The GHC, at least its western part of the EHS, underwent coherent HP granulite-facies metamorphism. (2) The HP mafic granulites experienced long-lived dehydration melting of amphibole from ~40 Ma to ~20 Ma during prograde metamorphism and generated up to ~16 vol% partial melt. The variable degrees of dehydration melting of the HP mafic, pelitic and felsic granulites in the EHS generated voluminous granitic melts with distinct compositions, and provided the source for the Himalayan granites. (3) Peak metamorphic pressure of the GHC gradually decreases, whereas the metamorphic temperature progressively increases from the Western to Eastern Himalayas. This indicates that the Indian continental crust deeply subducted into the mantle in the Western Himalaya after the Indo-Asia collision, whereas the Indian crust underthrusted or relaminated beneath the Asian continental crust, and formed the thickened lower crust in the Central and Eastern Himalayas and Gangdese arc. (4) The melts derived from the underthrusted Indian crust probably resulted in isotopic compositional enrichment of the Early Cenozoic mantle- and juvenile crust-derived magmatic rocks of the Gangdese arc.

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