
TDPAC spectrum of 111In probe nuclei is measured in a single crystal of cadmium as a function of the crystal orientation. Different from the similar experiment by the present author(1) where θ was fixed at θ =0°and φ was varied, φ is fixed at φ= θ° or φ=90°and θ is varied in the present. Here θ, φ are the angular direction of the quantization axis relative to k1 and k2 direction as defined by Alder et at.(2)(Fig. 1). The present geometry should show more clearly whether the spectrum for the detector placed at 90 degree relative to k1 is symmetric with respect to φ=45°as given by Alder’s explicit formula or not symmetric as given by the present author. If Alder’s expression is valid, the spectrum should be the same for φ=0°and 90°for all θ whereas they should be different from each other if the latter’s expression is valid.KeywordsPresent AuthorComplete AgreementCalculated SpectrumOrientation DependenceAngle DependenceThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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