
This article investigates an approximate scheme to solve nonlinear Fredholm integral equations of the second kind on non-rectangular domains. The integral equations considered in the current paper are considered together with either smooth or weakly singular kernels. The offered method utilizes thin plate splines as a basis in the discrete collocation method. We can regard thin plate splines as a type of the free shape parameter radial basis functions. These basis functions establish an accurate and stable technique to estimate an unknown function by using a set of scattered points on the solution domains. Since the thin plate splines have limited smoothness, the integrals appeared in the scheme cannot be estimated by classical integration rules. Therefore, we introduce a special precise quadrature formula on non-rectangular domains to compute these integrals. The proposed scheme does not require any mesh generations, so it is meshless and does not depend on the domain form. Error analysis is also provided for the method. The performance and convergence of the new approach are tested on four two-dimensional integral equations given on the wing, mushroom, pentagon and fish-like domains.

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