
We study the expectation of the number of components $b_0(X)$ of a random algebraic hypersurface $X$ defined by the zero set in projective space $\mathbb{R}P^n$ of a random homogeneous polynomial $f$ of degree $d$. Specifically, we consider "invariant ensembles", that is Gaussian ensembles of polynomials that are invariant under an orthogonal change of variables. The classification due to E. Kostlan shows that specifying an invariant ensemble is equivalent to assigning a weight to each eigenspace of the spherical Laplacian. Fixing $n$, we consider a family of invariant ensembles (choice of eigenspace weights) depending on the degree $d$. Under a rescaling assumption on the eigenspace weights (as $d \rightarrow \infty$), we prove that the order of growth of $\mathbb{E} b_0(X)$ satisfies: $$\mathbb{E} b_{0}(X)=\Theta\left(\left[ \mathbb{E} b_0(X\cap \mathbb{R}P^1) \right]^{n} \right). $$ This relates the average number of components of $X$ to the classical problem of M. Kac (1943) on the number of zeros of the random univariate polynomial $f|_{\mathbb{R}P^1}.$ The proof requires an upper bound for $\mathbb{E} b_0(X)$, which we obtain by counting extrema using Random Matrix Theory methods from recent work of the first author, and it also requires a lower bound, which we obtain by a modification of the barrier method. We also provide a quantitative upper bound for the implied constant in the above asymptotic; for the real Fubini-Study model these estimates reveal super-exponential decay of the leading coefficient (in $d$) of $\mathbb{E} b_0(X)$ (as $n \rightarrow \infty$).

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