
Generalised Heegner cycles are associated to a pair of an elliptic newform and a Hecke character over an imaginary quadratic extension$K/\mathbf{Q}$. The cycles live in a middle-dimensional Chow group of a Kuga–Sato variety arising from an indefinite Shimura curve over the rationals and a self-product of a CM abelian surface. Let$p$be an odd prime split in$K/\mathbf{Q}$. We prove the non-triviality of the$p$-adic Abel–Jacobi image of generalised Heegner cycles modulo$p$over the$\mathbf{Z}_{p}$-anticyclotomic extension of $K$. The result implies the non-triviality of the generalised Heegner cycles in the top graded piece of the coniveau filtration on the Chow group, and proves a higher weight analogue of Mazur’s conjecture. In the case of weight 2, the result provides a refinement of the results of Cornut–Vatsal and Aflalo–Nekovář on the non-triviality of Heegner points over the$\mathbf{Z}_{p}$-anticyclotomic extension of $K$.

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