
Philip recently has added a new synonym to the already existing list of denominations for the agent of murine typhus. He claims that R. prowazeki var. typhi has preference over previously proposed terms. Rights, Smadel and Jackson (1) as well as Bengston and the editors of the sixth edition of Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology (2) agreeing with Philip, use the term Rickettsia typhi. The reason given by Philip for giving preference to the term typhi are scientifically unsound as will be shown presently. Since the original paper of Philip (3) is not available to me, I quote from Steinhaus' admirable monograph (4): “Many writers use the name Rickettsia mooseri Monteiro (1931) or Rickettsia prowazeki var. mooseri (Pinkerton 1936) to denominate the causative agent of typhus. As pointed out by Philip (1943) these as well as several other terms are antedated by Dermacentroxenus typhi Wolbach and Todd (1920).

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