
The idea of the fluctuation emergence of the gauge field in the neutral superfluid is stated and discussed in a series of papers. Previous authors suppose the emergence of the gauge field trying to develop a theory of the superfluid motion beyond the Hartree-liquid motion. They get some corrections to the space and time derivatives in the equation for the condensate wave function f = {Psi} = as the first-order contribution of the quantum fluctuations to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. Considering these corrections as a gauge field they suppose a self-energy term of the field of the simplest (quadratic) form in the action with phenomenological parameters. These authors note that the corrections to derivatives {open_quotes}play the role similar to that of the vector and scalar potentials coupled to a complex matter field, and the formulation thus closely resembles the Landau-Ginzburg equation of superconductivity coupled to the electromagnetic field{close_quotes}. The author goes on to consider the nature of this gauge field.

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