
The article is devoted to the problems of identification of idiomatic expressions in the field of phraseology. Based on the concept of phraseology, she studies linguistic units characterized by fixed and reproducible combinations of words in speech. Idiomatic stable expressions in the phraseological sphere are phraseological units of the language system with the following distinctive features: internal fixation, semantic unit and external fixation. Most of the idioms that are presented in the work consist of commonly used words of the Spanish language, although some of them include diacritical words or a certain structural anomaly. It is also important to take into account the special influence of these phraseological units on the overall structure of the conversation, primarily on argumentation, as well as on their pragmatic binding function. In this paper, special attention is paid to the pragmatic component. When a speaker uses one of these phraseological units, he makes an assessment, and the consequence of this assessment is an expressive shade of phraseological units. Within a group of idioms, it is usually recognized that verbal idioms constitute a subgroup whose components differ in that they are formed by a verb and a number of fixed additions, as well as in that their behavior in speech is similar to that of simple verbs. Taking into account the formal and semantic characteristics of verbal idioms with a collocation base, it can be noted that noun + verb or article + noun + verb collocations are a productive source of verbal idioms, since in the process of metaphorization they become verbal idioms that acquire idiomatic meaning. The given comparative classification of verb stable expressions allows us to conclude that verb idioms are actually complex collocations endowed with idiomaticity, used to emphasize colloquial speech.

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