
Sequential reactive systems include programs and devices that work with two streams of data and convert input streams of data into output streams. Such information processing systems include controllers, device drivers, computer interpreters. The result of the operation of such computing systems are infinite sequences of pairs of events of the request-response type, and, therefore, finite transducers are most often used as formal models for them. The behavior of transducers is represented by binary relations on infinite sequences, and so, traditional applied temporal logics (like HML, LTL, CTL, mu-calculus) are poorly suited as specification languages, since omega-languages, not binary relations on omega-words are used for interpretation of their formulae. To provide temporal logics with the ability to define properties of transformations that characterize the behavior ofreactive systems, we introduced new extensions ofthese logics, which have two distinctive features: 1) temporal operators are parameterized, and languages in the input alphabet oftransducers are used as parameters; 2) languages in the output alphabet oftransducers are used as basic predicates. Previously, we studied the expressive power ofnew extensions Reg-LTL and Reg-CTL ofthe well-known temporal logics oflinear and branching time LTL and CTL, in which it was allowed to use only regular languages for parameterization of temporal operators and basic predicates. We discovered that such a parameterization increases the expressive capabilities oftemporal logic, but preserves the decidability of the model checking problem. For the logics mentioned above, we have developed algorithms for the verification of finite transducers. At the next stage of our research on the new extensions of temporal logic designed for the specification and verification of sequential reactive systems, we studied the verification problem for these systems using the temporal logic Reg-CTL*, which is an extension ofthe Generalized Computational Tree Logics CTL*. In this paper we present an algorithm for checking the satisfiability of Reg-CTL* formulae on models of finite state transducers and show that this problem belongs to the complexity class ExpSpace.


  • Sequential reactive systems include programs and devices that work with two streams of data and convert input streams of data into output streams

  • E result of the operation of such computing systems are in nite sequences of pairs of events of the request–response type, and, nite transducers are most o en used as formal models for them. e behavior of transducers is represented by binary relations on in nite sequences, and so, traditional applied temporal logics are poorly suited as speci cation languages, since omega-languages, not binary relations on omega-words are used for interpretation of their formulae

  • To provide temporal logics with the ability to de ne properties of transformations that characterize the behavior of reactive systems, we introduced new extensions of these logics, which have two distinctive features: 1) temporal operators are parameterized, and languages in the input alphabet of transducers are used as parameters; 2) languages in the output alphabet of transducers are used as basic predicates

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Модели реагирующих систем и их спецификация

Последовательные реагирующие системы обработки информации, такие как адаптеры, контроллеры, драйверы устройств, интерпретаторы программ, сетевые коммутаторы работают с двумя потоками данных и преобразуют входные потоки данных (управляющих сигналов, команд) в выходные потоки данных (управляющих сигналов, команд). Траектория преобразователя из состояния 0 — это бесконечная последовательность переходов = { } 1, где = ( −1, , , h ) ∈ для всех , 1. Поведение преобразователя = ( , , , , ) описывается графом вычислений — ориентированным графом Γ = ( , ) с множествами вершин = ( × ∗) и помеченных дуг ⊆ × × , согласованных с отношением переходов следующим образом: для любой пары вершин ′ = ( ′, ′). Что свойства бесконечных последовательностей состояний системы, также как и свойства систем переходов, наподобие графа вычислений, удобно описывать формулами темпоральных логик ( , , ∗). Так как проблема проверки пустоты пересечения двух контекстно-свободных языков неразрешима [9], задача верификации преобразователей оказывается неразрешимой, если в качестве шаблонов поведения окружения и базовых предикатов разрешается использовать произвольные контекстносвободные языки. Далее для логики - ∗ будет описан алгоритм решения задачи верификации преобразователей

Другие расширения темпоральных логик
Автоматы распознаватели над конечными и бесконечными словами
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