
The paper will study and reinterpret, from a modern perspective, The Imperfection of the Cinematic Mode of Xie Jin authored by Zhu Dake. It aims to dig into its way of writing and criticism as well as its enlightenment to modern film criticism.Discussions about the cinematic mode of Xie Jin will be sorted out in the paper. Besides, reinterpretations of the cinematic mode of Xie Jin from a modern perspective will be conducted, in an attempt to throw enlightenment to future film creation in China.This paper holds that Zhu Dake's criticism of Xie Jin model is related to the background of the times at that time, the theme of the meeting where the viewpoint originated and the overall value orientation of young intellectuals at that time.Zhu Dake's article has very avant-garde and advanced critical thinking and research methods. His writing method of Sinicizing western theory is worth learning from current literary criticism.He made a more precise, original and capable summary of Xie Jin's films, but the starting point of his judgment and his own ideas were a bit extreme. Carrying out the modernization cultural reform does not mean the wanton denial of the fine traditions of the country, nor does it mean to deny the "shadow play" tradition from a completely critical angle.The scale of the discussion on Xie Jin film model is very large, and the views of all parties are wonderful and unique. For the present, the result is not so important. Paying attention to the current enlightenment of Xie Jin's film is the key and focus at present.Balancing artistry and commerciality, artistry and politics, practicing the production concept of "beauty of ordinary people", fully respecting the audience, carrying out "production within the system", and creating with the aesthetic production concept of film industry are the creative enlightenment given by Xie Jin model to current filmmakers, and also the overall creative characteristics of new force directors.

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