
The relevance of the topic is due to the goals and objectives of a new urban planning policy aimed at solving the problem of affordable housing by moving from "infill construction" to the implementation of agreements on integrated development of the territory, enabling not only to construct new residential quarters, but to create all the necessary complex elements of engineering and social infrastructure as well. Its legal basis was adoption on December 30 , 2020 of the Federal Law "On Amendments to the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in order to Ensure the Integrated Development of Territories", which entered civil circulation as the "Law on All-Russian Renovation". In order to develop its provisions and ensure the implementation of a "single window" principle, the Federal Law "On the Public Not-For-Profit Company Roskadastr" created an enlarged company that combined the functions of four previously disparate departments. The purpose of the study is basing on the analysis of the main provisions of the Federal Law "On the Public Not-For-Profit Company Roskadastr" to substantiate its importance for implementing the mechanism of integrated development of territories. The methodological basis was made up of a complex of general scientific, special scientific and special legal research methods, including dialectical approach, systematic, logical methods, formal legal one, etc. In the article the author reveals the positive effect of creating the public not-for-profit company "Roskadastr" and enters into a polemic on certain issues that cause criticism in the professional environment. Centralization of functions that previously existed separately in one institution, as well as geodetic, cartographic, legal, cost and other information about real estate objects necessary to implement the agreements on integrated development of the territory, improves the principle of a "single window", ensures a balance of public and private interests in solving socially significant tasks in the housing and construction sector.

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