
The mean life of Μ-mesons stopped in iron has been investigated by means of a new apparatus. The experimental arrangement for the determination of the mean life of Μ- in elements of mean and high atomic number is described. The deflection of the trajectory of a cosmic ray Μ-meson passing through two magnetized iron blocks (B= 1.5 Wb m-2) indicates the sign of the incoming meson. The deflection is measured by an hodoscope of 90 Geiger counters. A fast syncroscope determines the interval of time between the arrival of the meson and its disappearance in the absorbers due either to capture by nuclei or to the normal process of decay. The error in the reading of the time interval is ∼ 10-8 s. The mean life of the meson in the element constituting the absorber is directly calculated from the distribution of the delays. The value for the mean life of the Μ--meson in iron was found to be Τ = (16 ± 1)·10-8 s.

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