
Abstract. In this paper we provide extensions of the MarcinkiewiczZygmund laws of large numbers for i.i.d random variables with mul-tidimensional indices to the case of negatively dependent random elds. 1. Introduction Let Z d+ , where dis a positive integer, denote the positive integer d-dimensional lattice points. The notation m n, where m = (m 1 ;m 2 ; ;m d ) and n = (n 1 ;n 2 ; ;n d ) in Z d+ , means that m i n i for all 1 id. The following multiindex version of the Marcinkiewicz Zygmundstrong laws of large numbers was given in Gut(1978).Theorem A Let 0 <r<2, and suppose that X, fX i ;i 2Z d+ gis a eld of i.i.d random variables with partial sums S n =P in X i ;i 2Z d+ :If EjXj r (log + jXj) d 1 <1and EX= 0 when 1 r<2, then(1:1)S n jnj 1r !0 a:s:asn !1:Conversely, if (1.1) holds, then EjXj r (log + jXj) d 1 <1and EX= 0when 1 r<2. Here jnj=Q di=1 n i and n !1means min 1id n i !1, that is, all coordinates tend to in nity. Also, throughout the paper,log + x= maxf1;logxg.Next, we turn to our attention to the negative dependence. Tworandom variables Xand Y are negative quadrant dependent(NQD) ifP(Xx;Y y) P(Xx)P(Y y) for all x;y2R. A nite family

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