
Double residuated lattices are expansions of residuated lattices with an extra monoidal operator, playing the role of a strong disjunction operation, together with its dual residuum. They were introduced by Orłowska and Radzikowska. In this paper we consider the subclass of double residuated structures that are expansions of MTL-algebras, that is, prelinear, bounded, commutative and integral residuated lattices. MTL-algebras constitute the algebraic semantics for the MTL logic, the system of mathematical fuzzy logic that is complete w.r.t. the class of residuated lattices on the real unit interval [0, 1] induced by left-continuous t-norms. Our aim is to axiomatise the logic whose intended semantics are commutative and integral double residuated structures on [0, 1], that are induced by an arbitrary left-continuous t-norm, an arbitrary right-continuous t-conorm, and their corresponding residual operations.

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