
A graph G is an ordered pair of sets G(V, E), where V is a set of vertices and the elements of set E are usually called edges. The concept of graph labeling has recently gained a lot of popularity in the area of graph theory. his popularity is due not only to the mathematical challenges of graph labelings but also to the wide range of applications that graph labeling offer to other brances of science, for instance, x-ray, cryptography, coding theory, circuit design and communication network design. A graph labeling we mean an assignment of integers to elements of a graph such as vertex, edge, and both. Local antimagic of a graph was motivated by Arumugam et al.. Thus, we initiate to developed the concept of local antimagic vertex coloring for subdevided graphs. A graph G called sub-devided if the graph G be the graph obtained by inserting a vertex to each edge of the graph G. Definition the concept local antimagic vertex coloring is f : E(G) → {1, 2, 3…, |E(G)|} if for any two adjacent vertices a 1 and a 2, w(a 1) = w(a 2), where for v ∈ G, , where E(a) and V(a) are respectively the set of edges incident to a. The local antimagic vertex labeling induces a proper vertex coloring of graph G if each vertex a is assigned the color w(a). The minimum colors needed to coloring the vertices in graph G called local antimagic vertex chromatic number, denoted by χla (G). In this paper we study the local antimagic vertex coloring of sub-devided some special graph as follows SFn,m , SSn,m , SWn,m and SFn,m .

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