
The net optical light curves and spectra of the supernova (SN) 2003dh are obtained from the published spectra of GRB 030329, covering about 6 days before SN maximum to about 60 days after. The bulk of the U-band flux is subtracted from the observed spectra using early-time afterglow templates, because strong line blanketing greatly depresses the UV and U-band SN flux in a metal-rich, fast-moving SN atmosphere. The blue-end spectra of the gamma-ray burst (GRB) connected hypernova SN 1998bw is used to determine the amount of subtraction. The subtraction of a host galaxy template affects the late-time results. The derived SN 2003dh light curves are narrower than those of SN 1998bw, rising as fast before maximum, reaching a possibly fainter maximum, and then declining ~ 1.2-1.4 times faster. We then build UVOIR bolometric SN light curve. Allowing for uncertainties, it can be reproduced with a spherical ejecta model of Mej ~ 7 ± 3 M☉, EK ~ 3.5 ± 1.5 × 1052 ergs, with EK/Mej ~ 5 following previous spectrum modeling, and M(56Ni) ~ 0.4 M☉. This suggests a progenitor main-sequence mass of ~25-40 M☉, lower than SN 1998bw but significantly higher than normal Type Ic SNe and the GRB-unrelated hypernova SN 2002ap.

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