
This paper discusses the velar pronunciation of the root final segments in the plural of the Icelandic nominalized present participles, e.g. in leikend-, the plural of leikandi "actor". Since k(k)and g(g) are pronounced palatal before e in other old words(e.g. in akkeri "anchor"), the velar pronunciation of leikend- and similar words requires an expla­ nation. I see in the non-application of the palatalisation rule (while that rule operated before e; it is by no means certain that it still does) to leikend- and similar words the effect of Kiparsky's phonological universal ("Neutralization processes apply only to derived inputs") as modified in Orešnik 1979 (substrings crucially involving word-derivational morpheme boundaries are not derived inputs). Thus the /k+e/ of leikend- is not a derived input, and the palatal1sation rule, a neutralisation process, does not apply to it.

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