
The problem of Knight shifts in samarium intermetallic compounds is investigated using a density matrix perturbational approach, which takes into account the strong admixing between the J=5/2 and 7/2 levels of the Sm3+ ion. Particular attention is paid to the effects of crystal fields on the White-Van Vleck crossover temperature TCO, and explicit expressions are given for the shifts in TCO, induced by hexagonal and cubic crystal fields, correct to (Bnm/kT)2. It is shown that whereas quadratic crystal fields can either raise of lower TCO, depending on the direction of the applied field B, cubic crystal fields always act so as to lower the White-Van Vleck crossover temperature. In addition, a method is suggested for the determination of both the bare conduction electron Knight shift parameter K0 and the crystal-field coefficient B20 in hexagonal compounds, which does not involve additional measurements on isostructural compounds containing lanthanum.

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