
For every $3/4\le \delta, \beta< 1$ satisfying $\delta\leq \beta < \frac{1+\delta}{2}$ we construct a finitely generated group $\Gamma$ and a (symmetric, finitely supported) random walk $X_n$ on $\Gamma$ so that its expected distance from its starting point satisfies $E|X_n|\asymp n^{\beta}$ and its entropy satisfies $H(X_n)\asymp n^\delta$. In fact, the speed and entropy can be set precisely to equal any two nice enough prescribed functions $f,h$ up to a constant factor as long as the functions satisfy the relation $n^{\frac{3}{4}}\leq h(n)\leq f(n)\leq \sqrt{{nh(n)}/{\log (n+1)}}\leq n^\gamma$ for some $\gamma<1$.

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