
The article considered the issue of trade in Russian textiles on the territory of the Qing Empire during the second half of the 19th – early 20th century. Russian textiles were the main products in Russian exports to China during this period, but at the same time, they were significantly inferior to the sale of textiles from other countries on the Chinese market. This problem shows the general deficit of Russian trade in China. The reasons for the decline in sales are studied using the example of Russian trade in various regions of China. Interestingly, with their higher quality, Russian cloth and cotton fabrics lost competition to foreign textiles in the Chinese market. The reasons for the failure of trade were the high prices of the Russian products, as well as their unsuitability for the taste of the Chinese consumer. The high price was dictated mainly by the need for a long and expensive transit from Russia to China. In the same time, the level of development of Russian factories didn’t allow to reduce the cost of fabric production. This was added to the disinterest of Russian trade circles in the Chinese market, unwillingness to interest a Chinese buyer in their product. At the beginning of the 20th century when the internal and external economic characteristics of China changed, the development of Russian exports became unpromising in comparison with the concession policy on Chinese territory. The basis for the research was largely pre-revolutionary works and materials of the Central archives of Russia.

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