
The energy intensity of production of the most common wall materials in Russia is significantly higher than their foreign counterparts. The urgent task is to reduce the energy intensity of the production of building materials, to develop and introduce energy-saving nature-like technologies for the production of building materials, which corresponds to modern trends in the development of "green" technologies. It is possible to reduce the energy intensity of the production of silicate materials due to the transition from traditional raw materials to the use of unconventional aluminosilicate raw materials of various genesis, in particular, clay rocks of the unfinished stage of mineral formation. In the course of the research, the possibility of the synthesis of the new growth in the system “aluminosilicate raw material – calcium hydroxide – water” under the conditions of hydrothermal treatment was shown. Due to the high reactivity of the raw materials used, under the conditions of hydrothermal processing, the synthesis of tumors occurs not only at high pressures and temperatures, but also at temperatures up to 100 °C. This will allow to obtain efficient hollow-walled wall building materials using energy-saving technology.

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