
Solving inverse scattering problem for a discrete Sturm-Liouville operator with the fast decreasing potential one gets reflection coefficients $s_\pm$ and invertible operators $I+H_{s_\pm}$, where $ H_{s_\pm}$ is the Hankel operator related to the symbol $s_\pm$. The Marchenko-Fadeev theorem (in the continuous case) and the Guseinov theorem (in the discrete case), guarantees the uniqueness of solution of the inverse scattering problem. In this article we asks the following natural question --- can one find a precise condition guaranteeing that the inverse scattering problem is uniquely solvable and that operators $I+H_{s_\pm}$ are invertible? Can one claim that uniqueness implies invertibility or vise versa? Moreover we are interested here not only in the case of decreasing potential but also in the case of asymptotically almost periodic potentials. So we merege here two mostly developed cases of inverse problem for Sturm-Liouville operators: the inverse problem with (almost) periodic potential and the inverse problem with the fast decreasing potential.

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