
Based on the example of sacred Psalter explanations, the article examines numerous metaphorical descriptions with the intention to reconstruct the procedures and operations for extracting the spiritual meaning from the veil of the literal. According to the authoritative explanations in question, metaphors and figurative comparisons (similes) used by the psalm singer differ in their inherent meaning despite the coincidence in the semantic mechanism of transposition and the need for their subsequent transformation in interpretation. Some of them, in a poetic way, reflect David’s state of mind; others are filled with a deeper spiritual meaning. As a consequence, instructions for their interpretation become different. In the figurative-symbolic interpretation, explaining conditions for the choice of an auxiliary object, it is the nearest linguistic context that becomes an explanatory instruction; and when there is no such context it is the presumption of similarity by which X can be linked to Y in expressions like “God, the horn of my salvation” that serves this function. In the symbolic-allegorical interpretation, designed to explain metaphorical expressions at a different level of understanding, it is the presumption of spiritual meaning that becomes the instruction explaining metaphorical expressions in accordance with the rules of the Christian exegesis as a prefiguration of the New Testament history (in the typological reading), as a norm of moral behavior (in the tropological reading), and as the fulfillment of promises (in the anagogic reading). The basics for hermeneutics are implemented in the following way: subtilitas intelligendi, subtilitas explicanda, and subtilitas applicandi.


  • К истолкованию метафор и образных сравнений в Псалтири the psalm singer differ in their inherent meaning despite the coincidence in the semantic mechanism of transposition and the need for their subsequent transformation in interpretation

  • In a poetic way, reflect David’s state of mind; others are filled with a deeper spiritual meaning

  • In the figurative-symbolic interpretation, explaining conditions for the choice of an auxiliary object, it is the nearest linguistic context that becomes an explanatory instruction; and when there is no such context it is the presumption of similarity by which X can be linked to Y in expressions like “God, the horn of my salvation” that serves this function

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Андрей Евгеньевич Бочкарев

Аннотация На примере святоотеческих толкований на Псалтирь рассматриваются многочисленные метафорические дескрипции с целью реконструировать операции и процедуры по извлечению сокровенного смысла из-под завесы буквального. В образно-символическом толковании, объясняющем условия выбора вспомогательного объекта, инструкцией интерпретации становится ближайший контекст, а за отсутствием такого контекста – презумпция подобия. В символико-аллегорическом толковании, призванном истолковать проблемные высказывания на другом уровне представления, инструкцией интерпретации становится презумпция духовного смысла, раскрываемого по правилам библейской экзегезы как прообраз новозаветной истории (в прообразовательном прочтении), как норма морального поведения (в тропологическом значении) или как исполнение обетований (в анагогическом значении). Так реализуются основные установки герменевтики: subtilitas intelligendi, subtilitas explicandi и subtilitas applicandi. Е. К истолкованию метафор и образных сравнений в Псалтири: subtilitas intelligendi – subtilitas explicandi – subtilitas applicandi // Вестник НГУ. On the Interpretation of Metaphors and Similes in the Psalms: subtilitas intelligendi – subtilitas explicandi – subtilitas applicandi

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