
AbstractIt has been observed13 that the propagation of acoustic waves in the region Ω0= ℝ2 × (0, 1), which are generated by a time‐harmonic force density with compact support, leads to logarithmic resonances at the frequencies ω = 1, 2,… As we have shown9 in the case of Dirichlet's boundary condition U = 0 on ∂Ω, the resonance at the smallest frequency ω = 1 is unstable and can be removed by a suitable small perturbation of the region. This paper contains similar instability results for all resonance frequencies ω = 1, 2,… under more restrictive assumptions on the perturbations Ω of Ω0. By using integral equation methods, we prove that absence of admissible standing waves in the sense of Reference 7 implies the validity of the principle of limit amplitude for every frequency ω ≥ 0 in the region Ω =Ω0 −B, where B is a smooth bounded domain with B̄⊂Ω0. In particular, it follows from Reference 7 in the case of Dirichlet's boundary condition that the principle of limit amplitude holds for every frequency ω ≥ 0 if n·x′ ⩽ 0 on ∂ B, where x′ = (x1, x2, 0) and n is the normal unit vector pointing into the interior B of ∂ B. In the case of Neumann's boundary condition, the logarithmic resonance at ω = 0 is stable under the perturbations considered in this paper. The asymptotic behaviour of the solution for arbitary local perturbations of Ω0 will be discussed in a subsequent paper.

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