
PENDULOUS crop has been defined by Hinshaw and Asmundson (1936) as an abnormality of the ingluvies characterized by a temporary or permanent distention with stagnant liquid or semi-liquid contents. Hinshaw and Asmundson reported that heredity was the most important factor determining the incidence of pendulous crop among turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) at the California Agricultural Experiment Station, Davis. The environment, particularly temperature, was also recognized as an important factor on the basis of reported cases in commercial flocks. This paper presents additional data on the inheritance of pendulous crop and the influence of climate on its expression.Cline (1933) has suggested that the amount of protein in the ration fed to turkeys may be a factor in determining the incidence of pendulous crop cases. Were this the case, it would be expected that a higher proportion of birds would develop the abnormality when fed a low protein diet than when fed .

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