
A cooled double crystal monochromator system is used on many high heat load X-ray synchrotron radiation beamlines in order to select, by diffraction, a narrow spectrum of the beam. Thermal deformation of the first crystal monochromator – and the potential loss of beam brightness – is often a concern. However, if downstream beam focusing is planned, the lensing effect of the monochromator must be considered even if thermal deformations are small. In this paper we report on recent experiments at an Advanced Photon Source (APS) beamline that focuses the X-ray beam using compound refractive lenses downstream of an X-ray monochromator system. Increasing the X-ray beam power by increasing the storage ring current from 100mA to 130mA resulted in an effective doubling of the focal distance. We show quantitatively that this is due to a lensing effect of the distorted monochromator that results in the creation of a virtual source downstream of the actual source. An analysis of the defocusing and options to mitigate this effect are explored.

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