
OF THE MORE THAN 15,000 place-names that have been discussed in Names in South Carolina under the editorship of Claude Henry Neuffer during the past 24 years, a mere 230 are names of Indian origin. This fact alone reveals much about the naming practices of the predominantly English-speaking population that settled the state and eventually displaced the indigenous population. For the most part the settlers chose names using formatives from their own language. Thus we find major cities bearing names of transparent origin: Charleston (originally Charles Town, named for Charles II of England), Columbia, Greenville, Spartanburg, Orangeburg, Rock Hill, and the like. Most of these are based on personal names or descriptive designations. Some can be found suggesting French influence, such as Port Royal,l or German influence, such as Fork,2 a settlement of Pennsylvania Dutch (i.e., Germans who originally called themselves Deutsch). Spanish influence is found in a name such as Monterey, named to commemorate the Battle of Monterey in the Mexican-American War. 3 The names of Indian origin are confined mainly to rivers and streams or to communities or plantations. Often a place-name appears to be based on a stream name, and in some cases a place-name may preserve an earlier stream name that has since been replaced by a non-Indian name. Many of the Indian names are found only in historical references, having been replaced in modern times by European formations or, in the case of names referring to now-extinct tribes, having fallen into disuse. Although 230 names may seem like a small number to represent the original inhabitants of the state, the names are conspicuously different from other place-names in the area and thus invite special investigation.

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